Canton High School
School Nurse Supervisor: Amber Mansfield, RN
Health Aide: Alyson Keller
Phone: (860) 693-5997
Fax: (860) 693-5837
Home Sick?
Please call in your child’s absence before 9 a.m. at (860) 693-5997 or email us at If it is more convenient you may call outside of school hours and simply leave a message on our answering machine.
Calls may also be directed to the main offices of each school which are:
Canton High School: 860-693-7707
Canton Middle School: 860-693-7712
If it is more convenient you may call outside of school hours and simply leave a message on our answering machine.
Ill students should remain at home until they are fever-free (less than 100 degrees) without fever reducing medication for a 24 hour period before returning to school.