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CBPS Health Services

Cherry Brook Primary School

School Nurse:   Jessica Bali, RN
Health Aide:   Skylar Manning

Phone: (860) 693-7649
Fax:  (860) 693-5839


Please call in your child’s absence before 9 a.m. at (860) 693-7649 or email us at  

Ill students should remain at home until they are fever-free (less than 100.4 degrees) without fever reducing medication for a 24 hour period before returning to school.  

Food Allergies:

Before sending food in for celebrations, please check with your child’s teacher first.  Please be aware that each year there are several students identified with peanut and other food allergies in our classrooms. 


Before any medication, prescribed or over the counter, may be taken by students at school, an Authorization for Medication form must be on file in the school health office.

No prescribed or over the counter drugs (Tylenol, Advil, etc.) will be administered by the Nurse until this form is on file.  This is in compliance with Connecticut statutes and Canton Board of during school hours, please have your physician complete the enclosed form and submit it to the health office. These orders are to be updated yearly.

Students are not allowed to carry over the counter or prescribed medications with them, this includes cough drops. This policy is in effect for the protection of your child and we do appreciate your cooperation.

New Student Registration:  Health Information needed

New students entering the school system during the school year will need to fill out these additional forms.

Tuberculosis (TB) screening/assessment

Screening/assessment for Tuberculosis is required as part of the State of Connecticut Department of Education Health Assessment Record (blue form)

Medication for Field Trips


Students taking medication on the field trip will need to have the "authorization for medication form" filled out by the physician and parents.  This is necessary for over the counter medication and for all prescription medication.  

  • Controlled medication will be given to the students by the nurse.  Example:  Ritalin, Adderall, Concerta.
  • Other medication can be self administered by the student with the proper forms submitted.  Example: students may carry their own inhalers, allergy medication, eye drops, epipens, benadryl.  Students are reminded not to share their medication with other students.

All medication must be in the original container, with the students name, medication name and dosage on the bottle. Please send enough medication for the days needed,  plus one additional day.

Forms can be found at the bottom of this page on the Health Forms link.  Once there, choose medication form.  Physicians can fax forms to 860-693-5839.

Please feel free to call or email with any questions.  

Health Forms